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Re: mikis theodorakis

I beg to differ.

While this thread is about jews and is about a musician, it is not, at its core,
about jewish music.  As such, this very interesting, important and valid
conversation belongs elsewhere.

People who join this list do so out of a shared interest in jewish music and 
the list gets hijacked for other topics, the requests to be unsubscribed 
people often get positional and even abusive, and it lowers the tone and value 
the list.

I really can understand that people want to share their views and inform us 
other jewish issues, or other music issues, but its simply not in the spirit of
the list to do so.

Ari is the "owner" of this list and he, and the other listers ought to be
respected.  If you want to start/own a list which discources on social and
political events and their impact on jewish life and culture, I'm sure you'll 
many willing participants.... who'd be bored by postings about recommendations 
song books, the structure of klezmer scales, quarter-tones in cantorial music 
notices of up-coming gigs.

And when you see this list drifting into discource which is the domain of your
list, you could encourage the list to take the conversation to your list... 
this list a favour and promoting powerful discussions in political, social and
cultural issues at the same time.

"Alex J. Lubet" wrote:

> I have no intention of keeping this thread going and also disclaim
> responsibility for going off-topic.  As grim as the political implications of
> art can be, they're still appropriate and even essential components of the
> discourse about culture.  I've devoted a substantial part of my career to
> contemplating the social implications of aesthetic production and, as long as
> it's connected to matters musical and Jewish, I think it belongs.

> Alex Lubet, Ph. D.
> Morse Alumni Distinguished Teaching Professor of Music and Jewish Studies
> Adjunct Professor of American Studies
> University of Minnesota
> 2106 4th St. S
> Minneapolis, MN 55455
> 612 624-7840 612 624-8001 (fax)


Lionel Mrocki


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---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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