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Re: mikis theodorakis

At 08:12 PM 11/20/2003, you wrote:
>was wondering if anyone else saw that small news item in a recent 
>English-language "Forward" issue which was about the Greek composers 
>recent statement that Jews were evil, among other attributes. Had no idea 
>the man harbored such sentiments.

The context is interesting, and fits the person who wrote The Mauthausen 
Cantata. I found a news item in Yahoo:

Given that he is Greek, and that the statement was explicitly about "Greeks 
and Jews", I think he is making a point about fanaticism with which one 
might (or might not) agree. But those who want to take this to private 
email and discuss it further are certainly welcomed to explore it.


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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