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Re: One klezmer's experience

At 03:25 AM 9/4/03, Mary Lowther wrote:
...playing the music just feeds into this skewed, sneaky proseletyzing.
But what if one were to take the view that klezmer allows Messianic Jews to get in touch with their roots - that, even though they have become Christians, they don't want to forget that they are also of Jewish heritage and choose to celebrate this? 

If they really wanted to get in touch with their roots they would not expend so much energy and money in trying to uproot all of us who are still in touch with our roots. 

Isn't it in one's own best interest to have friends of various religious and non-religious persuasions?

With friends like these, who needs persecutors?

...Perhaps from my perspective as a non-spiritual, pragmatic non-believer I don't have a problem with playing music for anyone who likes to hear it.  I also like to play klezmer because it's an affirmation that says:  "Hey, the bad guys didn't win and Jewish culture is thriving, laughing, dancing, crying and feeling alive!"

It is very hard for decent Christians or lapsed Christians to appreciate the fact that these are indeed the bad guys.  Without a personal investment in what it is that "skewed, sneaky proselytizing" (to use your words) Christians (of =any= stripe) are trying to plunder, it is very hard to fathom the utter criminality and the wretched perversion of their obsessive behavior.  Try to think of it as a variant of "identity theft" or kidnaping, and you will understand the pain that is felt by those who are deceived into working towards their goals. 

One Saturday afternoon I found pages from the current bulletin of a local Messianic congregation tacked to our synagogue's bulletin board.  It had been placed there by guests of that morning's Bar Mitzvah service.  At times like these I wonder why the disorder called Messianic Judaism does not have its own separate DSM-IV code. 

Cantor Sam Weiss === Jewish Community Center of Paramus, NJ ---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+ Hosted by Shamash: The Jewish Network A service of Hebrew College, which offers online courses and an online MA in Jewish Studies, * * FREE JEWISH LEARNING * * Shamash invites you to join, a comprehensive, objective, authoritative and interactive learning resource in all areas of Judaism. Free membership via ---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------=

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