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Re: One klezmer's experience

The topic is one I'm inclined to not comment on, due to the fact that the
halacha is so clear.
   Jews should not promote any belief system other than a Jewish one.
   J may have been Jewish but those who worship him are not,even if these
folks are Bar Mitzva and both parents are Jewish back to Sini.
   As far as J being Moshiach , why talk about that, its not possible.
   Parshat Re'eh the portion before last had something to say about false
profets, dreamers and visionaries, nothing ify about it , you need not even
read the commentary.
   Jewish musicians should not knowingly promote Christianity with their
music. S. Carlbach told his Daughter that it was the lowest thing a Jewish
musician could do.  Just not cool.
   A pal of mine was contacted by a J for J group and offered a pile of
money for some recording sessions, he  turned the gig down.
   Sounds like a good policy to me. AW

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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