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Re: Wagner and Liszt

----- Original Message -----
From: "Alex J. Lubet" <lubet001 (at) umn(dot)edu>
To: "World music from a Jewish slant" <jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org>
Sent: Sunday, March 09, 2003 4:49 PM
Subject: Re: Wagner and Liszt

> I should go further and note that I've heard (can't verify) that Liszt not
> only loved Sulzer's singing, he regarded him as the best vocalist of their
> time.  Sulzer did apparently hang out with some august company, having
> known Schubert.
> This is getting to be quite a long and interesting thread.  Off this
> I'm wondering if anyone out there has seen the film Cradle Will Rock,
> composer Marc Blitztein?  It's been around for a few years, but I just
> taught it in my film class and spoke about it at the Society for Cinema
> Media Studies.  Blitztein is probably best known for his adaptation of The
> Threepenny Opera, not only translating the words, but making the music
> more American and jazzy.  Some of the music in the score is Blitztein's
> some of the original music is probably best described as Yiddish swing.
> The film has some currency because of the inclusion of Mexican painters
> Diego Rivera and Frida Kahlo.  I just saw the new film Frida and really
> liked it.  The music is wonderful, not Jewish in style, but it is by
> Goldenthal, whose work I've found to be very good.  I learned quite a few
> things from this film, among them that Kahlo's father was a German Jew.
> Shevua Tov,

That is quite explicit in the beautiful film "Frida".

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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