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Re: The Pianist

Shirona wrote:

> [Szpilman]  was a prolific classical composer, before and after the
> war (he stayed in Poland until his death in 2000) - but also wrote
> some 500 songs, 150 of which are considered the "evergreens" of Polish
> popular music...and 40 children's songs for which he received
> awards... Is anyone familiar with his music and songs?

    I'm not sure that they're still "green," but here are some of the
titles (diacritics omitted), in case anyone wants to look for them:
"Nie wierze piosence," "Nie ma szczescia bez milosci," "Przyjdzie na to
czas," "Jutro bedzie dobry dzien," "Czerwony autobus," "Pojde na Stare
Miasto," "Deszcz," "Do widzenia, Teddy," "Stracilam serce twe," "Jak
mlode Stare Miasto," "Piosenka mariensztacka," "W malym kinie," "Tych
lat nie odda nikt," "Za kilka lat," "Trzej przyjaciele z boiska," "Tak
malo Cie znam," "I tylko mi zal," "Noca," "Odejdziesz i tak."
    He was quoted as saying: "It irritates me that I'm always associated
with popular music.  It's true that I've written around a thousand
songs, many of which were popular in Poland, and some abroad, however
I've always felt connected with classical music."

    Bob Rothstein

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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