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Re: Kol Isha

On Sunday, March 2, 2003, at 07:34  PM, Sylvia Schildt wrote:

> Politically, the singer was denied the platform because more weight was
> given by presenters to the religious sensibilities of a FEW for whom 
> this
> religious law is binding,  than to the political and religious right 
> of the
> singer to sing or of the audience to hear her sing in her normal role 
> with
> this klezmer group-- in a situation in which neither the singer nor 
> the rest
> of the audience feel religiously bound by said law.

So basically what you are saying is, the organizers have no right to 
organize the event as they please. I think "that" would be imposing 
one's view on another.
I agree that the approach of the organizer to cancel the singer at the 
last minute was terribly wrong and I'm sure insulting. But however 
inappropriate, it still remains the planner's right to choose who 


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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