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Re: Miriam's Song & Rav Berman

--- "I. Oppenheim" <i(dot)oppenheim (at) xs4all(dot)nl> wrote:

> Rav Berman is affiliated with Yeshiva University and
> his interesting study on Kol Isha can be read here:

i was away for the past while due to minor renovation
in my home so i will read this piece and let you guys
know shortly what i think of it. however as for this

> Another interesting study is by Rav Mendel Shapiro
> on
> public reading of the Torah in the synagogue by
> women:

i was going to print it out and then i realized that
it was over 50 pages and the abstract alone spoke
volumes. he says that the only issue of women
receiving aliyot these days is due to kavod hatzibur,
which doesnt require rocket science to know, its quite
explicit in halacha and everyone will agtree with
this. it seems that hes willing to dismiss this in
many cases whereas the majority of orthodox rabbinic
authorities are not. and since this is regarding a
liturgical issue rather than a musical one if anyone
wants to discuss this with me further please do so
offlist (god forbid someone should get offended on a
mailing list)


>  Groeten,
>  Irwin Oppenheim
>  i(dot)oppenheim (at) xs4all(dot)nl
>  ~~~*
>  Chazzanut Online:
> ---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org
> ---------------------+

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