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RE: Kol Isha/Miriam's Song

Oops..I though this was posted off list to Ari

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org
[mailto:owner-jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org]On Behalf Of Mel Korn
Sent: Sunday, February 23, 2003 11:35 AM
To: World music from a Jewish slant
Subject: RE: Kol Isha/Miriam's Song

I do not wish to raise this in the group. My one posting on this thread was
to hopefully redirect everybody to a respectful debate. It appears to me
that at this juncture, the 2003 quarterly Kol Isha debate, while having some
value, has now ceased to have any purpose, other than a few individuals
debating their personal views, from which they will not deviate. I can
debate and discuss the fascinating intricacies and nuances of the Chumash,
Talmud and Halacha with the best of them (having an Orthodox education, and
given my adult study in the Bobov Kollel), but I don't think that the Jewish
music list should get deeply mired in this. If the issue is specifically
related to music fine...but the Miriam's song debate is no longer about
music. If only there were a Shamash list for debate of Rashi, Oonkloos and
Rambam we could easily divert this thread (some light hearted humour
I would not contact any of the few individuals who are conducting a personal
debate, as it is not my place. However the debate is degenerating and losing
all musical relevancies. Perhaps a suggestion from you to take their debate
off-list could be helpful. I hope I have not over stepped my boundaries, as
I have great respect for you and for how you conduct this list, not to
mention the incredible work you do to help keep Jewish music vibrant.
Thanks for letting me "vent" (see I have been reading the posts!),

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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