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Re: greetings- off topic, but current, more

Actually I don't know:   But can anyone back up Irwin's assertion, either 
pro or con?   (Interesting slightly trivia nature -- prob why we mostly 
aren't sure about this.  But interesting, even if, as we agree, not "vital.")

At 08:20 PM 9/19/02 +0200, I.Oppenheim wrote:
>Well, if you really want to be a purist, than "Gut Yontef" is just as 
>inappropriate as "Chag Same'ach" on Yom Kippur. Yom Kippur is not a 
>yom-tov, it simply is a category in itself.
>   Irwin Oppenheim

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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