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Re: greetings- off topic, but current, more

At 12:32 PM 9/19/02 -0400, r l reid wrote:
>Chag sameach not a proper Yom Kippur greeting?
>Among the older folks in my (Conservative) shul, the greeting on Yom 
>Kippur is usually "gut yuntif".
         Gut yomtov  somehow has received different treatment, with a 
broader meaning.  I think it refers to a holiday with some work 
restrictions (thus:  3 regalim plus RH and YK).   I'm sure about RH, 
because candle blessing is "shel Yom tov"  not "hazikaron" (logical as i 
think the latter shld be).  People probably say Yut yomtov less often at RH 
and YK because "Shanah Tovah" and the like already fill that space.  But i 
think they are yom tovim.

>I also have to say that beginning the sukkah is not far from my thoughts 
>throughout Yom Kippur.
>I need to be off for more s'chach.
         VaYomer, "s'chachti"   (sorry, couldn't resist.)


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