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Re: greetings- off topic, but current, more

on 9/19/02 7:59 AM, jonathan gordon at jbgordon (at) cloud9(dot)net wrote:

> there must be a talmudic
> ruling here, but i wonder what it is. of ocurse, it is not mentlich or
> gemutlich to correct a jew who wishes me a chag sameach, so i have always
> kept this thought to myself, until now. any thoughts out there?
> jonathan gordon

I can't speak to Talmudic rulings on the subject, but the lack of a Chagigah
sacrifice in the Temple, whence we derive the word Chag, renders Purim and
Chanukah not Chagim. When I point this out to people, I am told I am being a
prig. I admit that is probably true. It is good to be accurate, but Jonathan
Gordon is correct. It is better to gracefully accept warm greetings, however
they come.  

Jordan Hirsch 

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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