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Re: greetings- off topic, but current, more

Chag sameach not a proper Yom Kippur greeting?

I dunno.  Among the older folks in my (Conservative) shul, the ones
who were born in Europe before the war, the greeting on Yom Kippur is
usually "gut yuntif".  It makes some sense to me.  We made it through 
another year, we're into Yom Kippur already, so what's so bad?  At least 
we're here for judgement and sealing!

I also have to say that beginning the sukkah is not far from my thoughts
throughout most of Yom Kippur.  It may be a solemn day, but I don't think
that means it has to be a sad day.

I need to be off for more s'chach.


r l reid        ro (at) rreid(dot)net

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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