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Re: Yinglish


There's a book that just came out on the History of Yiddish...check the Traditions book of the month website. Maybe there is some info there.


>From: "Joan D. Levin"
>Reply-To: jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org
>To: World music from a Jewish slant
>Subject: Yinglish
>Date: Thu, 25 Apr 2002 13:22:24 -0500
>There seem to be two sets and subsets of phenomena to look at --
>1) The adoption of Yiddish words into mainstream English
> a) American English
> b) English as spoken in the rest of the English-speaking world
>2) The adoption of English words into mainstream Yiddish
> a) Yiddish as spoken in the US
> b) Yiddish as spoken outside the US
>There are also combinations of these, such as in which an English word or
>structure is "yiddishized" and returned to English (hellacious, perhaps
>being one) or in expressions such as "by me" or other adaptations of Yiddish
>syntactical forms into English, or where a Yiddish word is adorned with
>English morphological or grammatical forms, and passes into English, or
>perhaps where the reverse occurs and an English word or _expression_ winds up
>in standard Yiddish with Yiddish morphological or grammatical markers.
>Yiddish and English are both such permeable langauges, and watching them
>interact is fascinating. I guess Rosten has done the most published work on
>this. I am waiting for someone to produce an "Oxford Yiddish Dictionary"
>with detailed descriptions of the histories or Yiddish words. I wonder if
>the OED has any histories of English words that include Yiddish.
>Maybe this is straying too far from the topic of music and into linguistics,
>but so often these patterns appear in songs -- and often early in their
>adaptive process -- perhaps even initiating or accelerating the adaptive

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