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Re: Chassidic dance sets?

I also wouldn't be THAT quick to dismiss the old books, for not every client 
that has called us to say they want lots of Chassidic tunes means, 
necessarily, only current "RockOrtho" tunes. I've had enough experience with, 
say, fringe clients who ask for such tunes and they do indeed mean ones found 
in such older books. Sure, not the ones Lori mentioned, perhaps, but not to 
be so dismissed. 

<< Great leads?  You gotta be kidding.  The Pasternak Hasidic books go out
of fashion in about two years.  And Velvel hasn't done a new Hasidic book
in more than two years.  And he once told me he wasn't going to do any
more Hasidic books, because there's not enough profit in it.  

Isn't there a person in NYC who transcribes the new tunes and sells them
by the sheet?  I think I read that info on this list several years ago. 

Or ask an Orthodox bandleader, or somebody on this list who plays
OrthoRock gigs, how to get the tunes.


The Orthodox bands in Ohio transcribe the new tunes from records. The
bands have designated transcribers -- typically gentile jazz musicians
who know a lot about music, and not too much Hebrew.  (The lead singers,
however, know Hebrew.)   >>

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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