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Re: Chassidic dance sets?

Thank you, everyone, for great leads!  I will do all of these things, 
starting with Tara. 

The question of whether we play disco (yes) is an interesting opening to 
another philosophical discussion, namely (the klezmer TV talk show) "Where do 
YOU draw the line?"   Will you play Zodiac and sing Yoya, but not the 
Electric Slide?  How about if they hire a klezmer band for the wedding but 
the bride's favorite song is Dancing Queen?  Is the Hokey Pokey hokey enough 
to be a classic, therefore kosher?  

>From these experiences, we came up with "The Matzorena" (a Jewish macarena) 
and "Ich Vel Survive" (use your imagination).  On a more serious note, is it 
worth it to get enough gigs to make a living if you have to lead a limbo 
contest every weekend?


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