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Re: Chassidic dance sets?

At 09:40 PM 1/9/02, AGREENBA (at) aol(dot)com wrote:
>I own volume 2 of Velvel's "Songs of the Chassidim"...
>...Actually I have found many many tunes in this book for hora medleys or 
>tish nigunim...

This out-of-print book is an excellent sourcebook for classic songs of the 
Chassidim and their background (I've used it as a textbook when teaching 
the subject) and it indeed contains many beautiful tunes, but it is 
absolutely useless for "Chassidic requests", including the one for "Ani 
Ma'amin".   Don't be misled by the word "Chassidic".  Today's "Chassidic 
hits" are to the songs in that volume like today's varieties of "Rock" are 
to "Rock 'n Roll".

Lori, my suggestion (if you indeed decide to take the job) is to call Tara 
and speak to Steve Levin.  He's a gigging "Chassidic" musician who also 
knows what's available in print.  He may also know of some "sheet music on 
demand" sources for this market.
Another source is Sy Kushner. He lurks on this list, so maybe he'll heed 
your call !

Cantor Sam Weiss === Jewish Community Center of Paramus, NJ

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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