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Re: Chassidic dance sets?

In a message dated 1/9/02 9:43:26 PM Eastern Standard Time, AGREENBA (at) 

<< I own volume 2 of Velvel's "Songs of the Chassidim" and out of 210 tunes 
 both the Besht and Chabad branches he only has one of your tunes you list: 3 
 versions of Ani Mamin. The first one is the one most people have sung at 
 Holocaust observances, by Fastag, but two others -  one by Parnes, the other 
 by Stockhommer - are quite beautiful. Actually I have found m >>

I'm pretty sure the Ani Ma'amim that the people have requested of Lori is the 
one written by Mordechai Ben David....the one where the lyric eventually gets 
to " Moshiach, Moshiach, Moshiach!!!...

We have played this with great response at  chassidic and non-chassidic 

mike eisenstadt

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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