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Re: di grine kuzine

Jenny Levison writes:

> good morning -- a musician friend of mine is looking for a singable english
> version of di grine kuzine -- does anyone know one?

there's a swing version on sokolow's (excellent) "Original Klezmer Jazz
Band" CD, but it's not accurate to the story. it sounds great though
(better, I think, than a direct translation -- the words here sound good in

Have you heard about my little cousin
She had boys proposin' by the dozen
(something, something), now they're all mourners
Since she met that boy around the corner

That's the first verse from memory.

* ...that's nice for a song like "Kusine," but what really makes me p.'d
off is when people do that to sacred texts and then decide that's what they
really mean. like the @#$!% hebrew school lyrics for "Lo Yisa Goy": "Don't
walk in front of me I may not follow, Don't walk behind me I may not lead,
Just walk beside me and be my friend and Together we will walk in the way
of Hashem." Not only are the new words totally LAME but they have nothing
to do with the original meaning! At all! Or like when they tell you
"mitzvah" means "good deed." What's the deal with that?

"term gpa: 3.73" -- the hoodoo voodoo man

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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