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Re: A message to Ballad singers...

I have to say that I looked at the original posting and...OOPS...realized that I
was remembering the wrong thing, some really awful rant someone sent me, not 
Shirona posted.  Shirona's was not offensive to me.  Sorry.  Guess what--I like
chocolate AND vanilla anyway.

A gut, zis yor tsu alemen,

Ari Davidow wrote:

> At 12:32 PM 10/5/2001 -0500, you wrote:
> >
> > I must agree with Ken...Chag sameach (and Shana Tova if it's not to late to
> > say that too)
> Yes, it's Sukkoth Let's take a deep breath, spend some time away from
> the computer enjoying the sukkah, shabbes, and relax.
> ari
> Ari Davidow
> ari (at) ivritype(dot)com

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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