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Re: not too late

On Sat, 06 Oct 2001 23:18:01 -0400, you wrote:

>Monday (Hoshana Rabba) is the official cut-off date.
>Hard-core Lubavitchers maintain that the grace period extends through 
>Filing a form GOD-4868 gets you an extension to Purim. (On the rabbinic 
>analogy of Yom Kippur to "Yom ki-Purim".)
>Filing a form GOD-2688 =may= get you a longer extension, but first check 
>with your accountant.

And if you buy an indulgence from the Pope (a bargain on the current market!), 
you can say it all year!

"Do we have nukes that can kill just six or seven people? Because I kinda want 
to nuke those bastards if it's at all practical." - Don Munns (

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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