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Re: A message to Ballad singers...

I promise this is my first and last email on this notably unmusical issue.

Shirona, I think this was a great posting.  Whether or not someone liked it 
or thought it was funny is a matter of private taste--I wish it had stayed 
private, for the shalom bayit of the group.  I immediately stopped writing 
that inspiring ballad I had been composing, so I for one appreciated the 

I, for one, appreciated the reference, and found that it was the first good 
laugh I'd had since Sept. 11.  Very healing for me (there's no accounting for 
taste, Lorele!).  

As for all the tumult that has come to pass, let's all give a hug, a good 
shabbos, and let it go.  Do you have any idea how many real enemies we Jews 
have in the world?

Shabbat Shalom,
Lori (Chicago)

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