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not too late

At 01:32 PM 10/5/01, Kimber Leigh wrote:

>...Chag sameach (and Shana Tova if it's not to late to say that too)

Monday (Hoshana Rabba) is the official cut-off date.
Hard-core Lubavitchers maintain that the grace period extends through 
Filing a form GOD-4868 gets you an extension to Purim. (On the rabbinic 
analogy of Yom Kippur to "Yom ki-Purim".)
Filing a form GOD-2688 =may= get you a longer extension, but first check 
with your accountant.

Shana Tova.

Cantor Sam Weiss === Jewish Community Center of Paramus, NJ

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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