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Re: what's the size of your klez?

Pietro wrote:

> Dear folks,
> this is partly in reply to Klezmaniac's Lionel Mrocki as it is
> about Australian Klezmer. For the last 2 years our national
> Woodford Folk Festival in Queensland has allowed us to
> stage the The Klezmer Fantazma Orcheztra with 19 & 20
> members. We've also performed in smaller numbers at
> other events.
> We have a 5 piece band KaOZ Klezmer which forms the
> basis of the larger group. KaOZ are recording a concert for
> a CD on September the 15th, and an 11 piece version of
> the Orcheztra will be concluding that event.
> Are there recordings (other than Klezmer Conservatory) &
> arrangements for large ensmebles available? I've done
> several of my own & intend to post these on our soon to be
> established web site.
> Pietro

Thanks Petro for your "Northern Exposure", or should that be expose?

We've been rather reluctant to make the long trip to Queensland for
Woodford, in the tropical summer and with the spartan conditions provided
for performers, but KaOZ and especially your orcheztra is wetting my
appetite.  Is my old "mate" Ka-ri involved?  Please keep me updated on
recordings and website.  We'll put a link to your site on ours. Can you do
the same for us?

Can't help with ensemble arrangements, sorry.


Lionel Mrocki and Karen Amos

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---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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