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Re: what's the size of your klez?

Lori Cahan-Simon wrote:

> Khaverim,
> As you know by now, I am the singer with the Cleveland Workmen's Circle
> Klezmer Orchestra ......  I'm wondering if
> we are the largest ongoing klezmer group in the world, not counting
> those that might get together for events like Klezcamp.

Speaking on behalf of my continent, I can say with great, positive
authourity, and without a shadow of doubt, that though we've got four states
and one territory which are bigger than Texas, we aint got one klezmer group
bigger than yours in all of Australia.


Lionel Mrocki

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KLEZMANIA;  Performance dates, Sound files, Photos and more.

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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