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Re: what's the size of your klez?


The question of core members vs. sidemen is a fuzzy subject.  Who is a core 
member?  I throw that question open to the multitudes.  There might be two, 
three, four or more players who can play with us on a gig, but probably fewer 
than 20 would consider themselves band members as opposed to sidemen.  The 
whole list of people who can play the music reliably in a simcha context is 
large, but I wouldn't take them on concerts without training.

> As you know by now, I am the singer with the Cleveland Workmen's Circle
> Klezmer Orchestra (amongst other things).  We have almost 30 members, if
> everyone would show up at one time.  Twenty-three of us performed as the
> preconcert entertainment at the 23rd annual Yiddish in the Park concert
> in Cleveland last night before the very tight and entertaining Mickey
> Katz tribute by Yiddishe Cup.  (Terrific job, Bert!)  I'm wondering if
> we are the largest ongoing klezmer group in the world, not counting
> those that might get together for events like Klezcamp.

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