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Re: what's the size of your klez?

Dear folks,
this is partly in reply to Klezmaniac's Lionel Mrocki as it is 
about Australian Klezmer. For the last 2 years our national 
Woodford Folk Festival in Queensland has allowed us to 
stage the The Klezmer Fantazma Orcheztra with 19 & 20 
members. We've also performed in smaller numbers at 
other events.
We have a 5 piece band KaOZ Klezmer which forms the 
basis of the larger group. KaOZ are recording a concert for 
a CD on September the 15th, and an 11 piece version of 
the Orcheztra will be concluding that event.
Are there recordings (other than Klezmer Conservatory) & 
arrangements for large ensmebles available? I've done 
several of my own & intend to post these on our soon to be 
established web site.

Lionel Mrocki & Karen Amos wrote:<br>><br>>> Lori 
Cahan-Simon wrote:<br>>><br>>> > Khaverim,<br>>> 
><br>>> > As you know by now, I am the singer with the 
Cleveland Workmen's Circle<br>>> > Klezmer Orchestra 
......  I'm wondering if<br>>> > we are the largest ongoing 
klezmer group in the world, not counting<br>>> > those that 
might get together for events like Klezcamp.<br>>> 
><br>>><br>>> Speaking on behalf of my continent, I can 
say with great, positive<br>>> authourity, and without a 
shadow of doubt, that though we've got four states<br>>> 
and one territory which are bigger than Texas, we aint got 
one klezmer group<br>>> bigger than yours in all of 
Australia.<br>>><br>><br>>LOL, thanks for your response.  
Although mine is bigger than yours I won't hold<br>>it 
against you.  ;-)  I spent 5 weeks in Australia many years 
ago and LOVED it.<br>>Wish I could return someday.  
Mossman's Bay is where I mostly stayed, by<br>>Sydney.  
Know it?<br>><br>>Lorele<br>><br>>><br>>> --<br>>> 
Regards,<br>>><br>>> Lionel Mrocki<br>>><br>>> Visit 
<<>> for the latest information 
on<br>>> KLEZMANIA;  Performance dates, Sound files, 
Photos and more.<br>>><br>><br>>---------------------- 
jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org 

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