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Re: Cheap way to record?

On Sat, 12 May 2001 10:09:58 -0400, you wrote:
>I'm a big fan of direct to two track (stereo) recording. All you need is a
>DAT recorder, and a really good mic preamp and a pair of mics. The downside
>is that you can't change the balance of anything later, if you want more or
>less of an instrument, you have to have worked it all out in both the set-up
>of the mics, band, and the arrangements. This method works OK for me, I'm in
>a duo, occasionally a trio. It'll work for a band, but it takes more time to
>set up.
>How many people in the band? What is the instrumentation?

Trombone [me], clarinet [Mike Winograd], classical guitar is the trio, 
hopefully plus drums [Aaron Paige -- amazing] and violin (who plays too soft). 
Balance problems are built in with a group like that! We haven't even all 
rehearsed together yet... that'll be this Saturday, for a gig on Sunday :P

>I have a nice direct to two track studio, if you feel like bringing the band
>to New Hampshire.

From Long Island? Prrrobably not :)

THANKS a lot for all the help! That goes for everyone!

"The Germans should not be feeling guilty today.  A little embarrased, maybe." 
- Shira

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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