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Re: Cheap way to record?

Koby and list;
    Digidesign has a free version of Pro-Tools that you can download from 
their website.  My PC friends do tell me though that PC version crashes a lot 
more than the Mac version does. Audio does take up a lot of hard drive space, 
any effects will add greatly to the hard drive space it needs. Take a good 
stereo mic, and plug it into the computer, for you base tracks. Try to record 
everyone at once. Pro-Tools will give you eight tracks, just remember that 
stereo is a two track format, but you can track bounce. I wouldn't recommend 
any analog format if you are planing to record for a CD, I am figuring that 
you are burning it on your computer. The hassles of moving from a 4 track 
tape deck to the computer aren't worth it. 
    For a stereo mic I recommend an Audio-Technica AT 825 or 824 (around $300 
new). This is a good investment, you can use it to record a KlezKamp for 
years. You could get a pair of cardiod condenser mics, (Audio Technica has a 
pack that goes for around $200 included a set of headphones) but this will be 
harder to use in the proper set and wiring. 
    If you need to overdub some tracks, you can use a pair of headphones to 
monitor the signal. I would suggest then getting a used Sure SM 57 for the 
purpose (it will be less than $50). 
    Setting up a basic home studio is not difficult, and can be done with a 
home computer for a couple of hundred bucks for mics.  At this point your 
studio time is free. Hard drive space is cheap, CD's for backing up these 
projects don't cost much. And everything can be upgraded over time.


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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