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Re: Kol Isha

In a message dated 03/27/2001 4:16:39 PM !!!First Boot!!!, 
jbielan (at) pacbell(dot)net writes:

> by people like Joni
> Mitchell, Barbra Streisand, Beverly Sills, Debbie Friedman and Patti
> LaBelle -  all without one thought single thought of arousal!

I think that kol isha only refers to Barbara and the other Jewish singers 
mentioned.  My experience is that those who don't listen, don't listen to 
JEWISH women singing.  In one case, the gentlemen in question left the room 
when I sang, but came back (to kibbitz, not to listen) when the pop band with 
the black female singer came to belt out some Motown!

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