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Kol Isha

Insightful comments on all sides.

Without tradition, we would have no bedrock upon which to build the
foundation of our spiritual lives.  Yet without progress and willingness
to accept some change, growth may ultimately be stymied - and with it a
multitude of opportunities to grow ever closer to G-d on a daily basis.

My personal belief is that, to some extent, each of us has our own
particular comfort zone.  If one feels most comfortable immersed in
Orthodox tradition, who am I or anyone else to judge him/her?  However,
my personal struggle with this issue - and this is surely only my own
opinion - is that this tradition insinuates that all men are incapable
of sexual distraction in virtually all artistic matters in which women
are participants; and furthermore that the enforcement of this tradition
may indeed sometimes reinforce some sense of bigotry... intentional or

I disagree on both fronts.

My personal opinion: what a shame.... what a loss for those who choose
to forefit the experience of hearing the exquisite voices and
enlightened interpretations of so many meaningful messages by so many
gifted female singers.  I cannot envision my life without being able to
hear the annointed voices of so many wonderful women singers whom I have
come to know and cherish throughout the years.

And miracle of miracles: I have been able to listen to artistic
performances which truly move me spiritually -  by people like Joni
Mitchell, Barbra Streisand, Beverly Sills, Debbie Friedman and Patti
LaBelle -  all without one thought single thought of arousal!

-Jack Bielan

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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