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Re: G-d un doss kelbl

Reyzl wrote:
>I then write quickly because I want this 
issue out of my overstuffed computer.  There are so many uninformed people 
on this list and they can't tell the difference between what is good and 
bad hypothesizing.  They pick up all kinds of bad seeds and bad methodology 
this way.  Guessing by looking at similar words in other languages should 
really be done by trained linguists who always keep cultural contexts in 
mind.  It is also usually unproductive.<

It's also not very productive to make all the other stupid guys responsible
for your mistakes. One more time, this list is not a scholar's list. Try to
respect other people, and they will respect you.

Christian Dawid

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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