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Re: G-d un doss kelbl

Hi Josh:

If, as you write, "donay" is a truncated form of Adonay,
would a culturally literate and conscientious composer
further truncate one of the =shemot= to "don?"
("Dona/y, dona/y, dona/y, DON")

(I don't think we would find "Hashem, Hashem, Hashem, Hash"
in a song's refrain, but I may be wrong).

We can also theorize that "dona/y" was employed because of its
relationship to the Spanish "Don" (Lord, Master) and the song's imagery
of persecution (during the Spanish Inquisition).

Are there any other (Yiddish) songs people know of that appear to use
of the =shemot= in this manner?

Wolf  Krakowski

Joshua Horowitz wrote:

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---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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