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Re: G-d un doss kelbl

Hi Paula:

I believe Theodore Bikel sings it: "Donay, donay, donay...."
But I agree Michel may be trying to read too much into it.


PTAW85 (at) aol(dot)com wrote:

> That's the first time I've heard it.  I have heard many native
> Yiddish-speaking singers do this song, and never have I heard anyone
> pronounce the words in the chorus other than "Dona, dona".  I think you may
> be trying to read too much into it.
> Paula Teitelbaum
> In a message dated 2/23/01 8:41:24 AM, borzykowski (at) infomaniak(dot)ch 
> writes:
> << In the famous song "Doss kelbl", the chorus "Dona dona", pronounced with a
> *good* yiddish accent sounds like "Donay donay".
> I always wondered whether it was another way to call for G-d without
> pronouncing His name and without singing "Hashem" (that obviously sound like
> a fake).
> Any opinion?
> Michal (tso kikhal) >>

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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