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Re: Cataloguing: Transliterating Hebrew: Bentsiyon?

I don't know the whole name, but a former classmate of my son had the
nametag "Bentsi" on his cubby.

wiener (at) mindspring(dot)com wrote:

> Does anyone on the list have this name or have a child who does?  How
> do you spell it in English?  Hyphenated?  Separate words?  TS/or Z for
> the zayin?  Same sort of question for other ben/bat names (e.g.,
> Bat-sheva, Batya/h).  T or TH for the tav?
> Bob
> P.S.  Ari, I hope that you will permit this somewhat off-topic
> question.

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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