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Re: Germans and Klezmer

This has been a most significant topic for discussion.  The Torah speaks of
punishing the sins the sons for generations for the sins of the father, but
I see that as the prerogative of G*d to judge that isn't allowed to mankind.

My experience as a soldier in WW II was in the Pacific, and I hold no grudge
against Japanese, even though there has been nothing much in the way of
apologies from Japanese leaders.  I hold a grudge against the Germans of my
generation who claim they had no idea of what was being done to the Jews,
and especially for those who took part in nay way.  I have no grudge in
general against younger generations.

I am aware that my experience as a soldier - who had the means to fight
back - is very different from the experience of the victims of the
Holocaust.  I don't fault any surviver who can't find it in his heart to
forgive the children of their oppressors.

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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