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Re: Germans and Klezmer

What do we really represent?
To my government I?m German, to church I?m Christian (though I don?t feel 
that way), to my audience I?m a musician.
And here we could go again: performing classical Western music, I?m a 
classical musician, performing...

When I played with Brave Old World I didn?t hear one single remark on my 
being German and Gentile. I was regarded as a musician, playing with a 
musical group, performing a music which is informed by thousands of different 
musical, human and cultural aspects.

All professional musicians I know are performing more than one musical style, 
and this cultural diversity becomes part of their personalities. Most 
colleagues I know think of music as a way of human expression, as a language 
much richer than the one in our passports. When I?m performing, I try to do 
it in the very first place as a human being, with love, respect and 
So who I am?


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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