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Re: Germans and Klezmer

Ari Davidow wrote:

> >None of the above can be said  to apply to Germans in relation to klezmer
> >music.
> >Their relationship to the music is "disembodied" and  academic; therefore
> >the term
> >"necrophilia" (fascination with the dead) is valid.
> >
> >Most post-War Germans have never had any contact with Jewish people,
> >whatsoever.
> >I shouldn't have to tell you why.
> With all due respect, and having talked with people in Germany and here, I 
> don't think that statement holds for some Germans playing good klezmer, Wolf, 
> at least one of whom is on this list. If this is a matter of religious 
> belief, we can all stop bringing up counterexamples. If we're talking about 
> music as it is being learned and played, then perhaps this matters enough to 
> be heard.
> (The parallel is also true--I know a lot of white people who have tried to 
> pass for blues players who don't know any blacks or about black history or 
> culture. Not all white musicians are at the level of caring of a Musselwhite 
> or a Butterfield.)
> ari
> Ari:

Nobody looks good in brown lipstick.


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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