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Re: Germans and Klezmer

>None of the above can be said  to apply to Germans in relation to klezmer
>Their relationship to the music is "disembodied" and  academic; therefore
>the term
>"necrophilia" (fascination with the dead) is valid.
>Most post-War Germans have never had any contact with Jewish people,
>I shouldn't have to tell you why.

With all due respect, and having talked with people in Germany and here, I 
don't think that statement holds for some Germans playing good klezmer, Wolf, 
at least one of whom is on this list. If this is a matter of religious belief, 
we can all stop bringing up counterexamples. If we're talking about music as it 
is being learned and played, then perhaps this matters enough to be heard.

(The parallel is also true--I know a lot of white people who have tried to pass 
for blues players who don't know any blacks or about black history or culture. 
Not all white musicians are at the level of caring of a Musselwhite or a 


Ari Davidow
ari (at) ivritype(dot)com
list owner, jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org
the klezmer shack:

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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