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Re: Germans and Klezmer

There are two comparisons relating to Germans and
other non-Jews participating in the Jewish musical 
world that may be helpful.

One is a comparison to "Whites playing the blues."
There are some White performers who've done their
preparation (frequently with Black teachers), who are
faithful to that heritage, and who acknowledge their
sources. One can often tell that it's not Black
people singing/playing, but it's good, sometimes
great, and honest music.

The other is a comparison to the American fascination
with Native American culture decades after the people
who sustained that culture were decimated by European
American racism. This is "necrophilia" just like what 
Wolf was pointing out. 

I respect musicians, whether strangers in their own 
culture or friendly outsiders, who approach the Jewish
culture underlying Jewish music with respect and who 
make the efforts to learn about it before they begin 
performing for anyone. I resent and could do without 
the others. 

Lee Friedman

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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