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Re: Verdi and Jewish music

This is fascinating, as Verdi's "Addio, del passato" from LA TRAVIATA also 
resembles, and may well (perhaps consciously) borrow from, a Jewish melody, 
namely the Ladino standard "Adio, querida."

I wonder what (evidently) so attracted Verdi to Jewish music.

>From: Agustin(dot)Fernandez (at) newcastle(dot)ac(dot)uk

>Has Robert Wiener had a full  answer to his question on Shulamis
>yet? I certainly don't have a full answer, but Mark Slobin mentions
>another song in page 190 of Tenement Songs: the Popular Music of the
>Jewish Immigrants (University of Illinois Press, 1982).
>This song, Slobin informs us, is entitled 'Ot der brunen, ot der'. He
>goes on to show similarities between this tune and 'Ah. fors'e lui'
>from Verdi's  La traviata. However, the tune he quotes next to
>the Verdi is confusingly titled 'The Oath' and not 'The Well' or
>anything that may resemble what we are told the Yiddish title means.
>I leave those who know Yiddish, or the plot of Shulamis, or both, to
>clarify this inconsistency.
>---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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