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Re: Agents in US

I can't speak to the issue of agents...but I want to put in a big plug for 
this band.  I picked up their CD while at Ashkenaz last year and play it 
continually!   We featured the CD in our Yiddishkayt LA newsletter for the 
last quarter of 1999 because it is so good. They are quite outstanding.

Shira Lerner

At 12:26 PM 2/11/00 -0600, you wrote:
>hope this is not an inappropriate post to the list. There
>are a number of working musicians on the list so I hope
>they will have some input I can use.
>I work with "From Both Ends of the Earth", a great contemporary
>Jewish all-star group from Canada.  Members of Flying Bulgar
>Klezmer band and Finjan are in the band, and we're slowly
>getting the band rolling. It's tough because they live in Toronto
>and Winnipeg,  We will be touring Canadian folk festivals this
>summer, so things are moving along, and the new cd is getting
>I want to get the band into the US because there is probably
>a much larger market there for this kind of music. I'm not trying
>to pooch anyone's gigs -- we're obviously competing for gigs --
>but I am looking for i the name or names of some agents who
>specialize in the genre, who are reputable and might be interested
>in checking out the group.
>Please contact me off-the-list.  Thanks.
>Maurice Hogue
>Cameltrain Productions

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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