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I think that the Kol Isha thread will end when everyone has had their
say.  I know that many (myself included) have discussed the issue much
more privately than in list posts.

That said, it seems to me that this issue goes far beyond personal
gripes and vendettas about being denied the opportunity to pursue
one's livelihood playing Jewish music (although, wouldn't that be
enough?).  It raises several other questions.  Performers: Should  I
only play in venues that permit/forbid women vocalists (whether or not
I usually have a woman vocalist in my group)?  Patrons: Should I
patronize (attend concerts, buy recordings) only from groups that have
a similar point of view to mine on this issue?  (Some of us may have
made similar decisions about Cat Stevens concerts and recordings or
misogynistic rap.)

Further, do I agree that "The Jewish people are a diverse group of
people, who celebrate and commemorate a choice of lifestyle and level
of religious observation; individually."  Or do I believe that Judaism
is essentially a people for whom community matters greatly (consider
such examples as the minyan and clal Yisrael and am Yisrael).

Jewish music is a music that comes out of that civilization (can we
all agree with Kaplan on this) and, therefore, it is inevitable that
societal issues will arise in our discussions.  This should deepen our
appreciation of the importance of Jewish music rather than distract us
from our mission.  The fact that we express different opinions further
confirms for me the value of this list.  All too often, I believe, we
find ourselves talking with those like us and never are exposed to the
ideas of those who are somewhat different.  Our list rejoices in the
diversity of Jewish musical voices (from all those diverse groups of
Jews from around the world).  Let's not stifle voices here.
Especially when the topic is the silencing of the voices of half of
the Jewish people.

I hope to learn even more about the development and acceptance of the
principle of Kol Isha in Orthodox Judaism (although, apparently, with
some differentiation even there).  I hope that we can remain
passionate about this and other issues without personal attacks.  In
fact, even this thread has helped me to better appreciate not only how
we differ, but also what common ground we share.  I am glad that Ari
has let it run its course.


-----Original Message-----
From: Jacob J Freedman <sundaymorningklezmer (at) juno(dot)com>
To: World music from a Jewish slant <jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org>
Date: Monday, September 27, 1999 9:50 AM
Subject: Re: Let's drop the KOL ISHA thread

>I agree. The Jewish people are a diverse group of people, who
>and commemorate a choice of lifestyle and  level of religious
>observation; individually. To attack others for their beliefs, is a
>attack against every Jew. If the basis for this string is based,
>primarily, because your band(or someone else') is not invited to play
>there; play some place else or play by their rules and play there.
>is full of choices, if you don't like to play by other peoples rules;
>Please address your replies to me and not the list. This list is
>to be
>discussing subjects directly relating to Jewish Music. How about more
>about who's playing what, where, when and why? Rather, than
>personal gripes and vendettas.
>On Mon, 27 Sep 1999 00:17:43 EDT MaxwellSt (at) aol(dot)com writes:
>>and get back to Jewish music!
>>All in favor, say "oy."
>>Live and let live, yidn.
>Jacob Freedman -- Host/Producer -- 6:00 to 10:00 a.m. E.S.T - 88.9
FM - A
>Voice for
>Sunday Morning Klezmer & Other Jewish Music:                   -
>Burlington County, NJ
>An Radio & Internet Exploration of  Jewish Music, Art, and Culture
>E-Mail &  Url Addresses -- sundaymorningklezmer (at) usa(dot)net - Phone
>  - Fax
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