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Kol Ishah


Then can you answer the question I put to Jonathan?

"Can you direct us to the rabbinic sources where can we read about the
development of the principles concerning Kol Ishah?"


-----Original Message-----
From: TROMBAEDU (at) aol(dot)com <TROMBAEDU (at) aol(dot)com>
To: World music from a Jewish slant <jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org>
Date: Sunday, September 26, 1999 9:19 PM
Subject: Re: Jewish music performance series

>In a message dated 9/23/99 10:45:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
>Halsherm3 (at) aol(dot)com writes:
><<  found this statement to be so completely offensive. Substitute
the word
> jewish for the word female and read it again. How do you feel?
> The reaction I had to this was purely from my gut. I realize that it
> meant to
> be offensive but it was all the same (IMHO).
> How do others feel?  Lynn
>  >>
>I find all these posts condemning the Kol Isha problem out of hand to
>offensive in the extreme. To dismiss in a wholesale fashion a
>derived position of Jewish Law because it doesn't match your personal
>viewpoints is intellectually dishonest. Halacha is a complex process,
>deserves respect, even if one chooses not to observe it. Judaism was
>invented in the last 200 years, and the halachic process, which for
>leads to some rather stringent rules, has been an essential part of
>Life from the beginning.  To treat it with such contempt borders on
>semitism.  The kind of posts I have read from this list on the
subject are
>typical products of late 20th century thinking: An unfettered sense
>entitlement and self righteousness.
>Everyone is free to observe or not observe Jewish Law. But for those
of us
>who choose to observe, nothing is more precious. I do not condemn
those who
>do not, it is not my place to. But I do urge them to show respect at
>for those that do, and also, to perhaps become better informed about
it, so
>as to know that which you reject.
jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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