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Re: Jewish music connection w/ old jingle?

Not an answer, but another question:

The mode in question (Sherry has taught me to call it "Ha Shem Molokh," which I
do, to everyone's confusion) has a distinctly Romanian quality.  Beside the
basic scale, which is a mixolydian mode, its distinguishing feature is the use
of the flatted third and fifth degrees, only when the melodic line is turning
to ascend again: sort of stepping stones.  You hear this stepping-stone effect
explicitly, repetitively, insistently and eternally iterated in Romanian
cybalom patterns.  Greeks and Turks use the same mode, and call it "Rast."
When the Greeks play it, it sounds quintessentially Greek.  Just think of
"Never on Sunday," or "Zorba's Dance."  When the Turks play it, it sounds...
well, everything the Turks play sounds Turkish!  So, maybe one of the
well-traveled folk on the list can answer me this:  Rast, Shmast!  What do the
Romanians call that mode?  Or do they just call it Music?

I had a discussion on this with Jim Armenti, which dissolved when he started
calling it the "Hashimoto" mode.  These jazz guys can't take anything
seriously.  And, as for TV jingles, you'll find a pretty Romanian sounding
example in the theme to the '60's "Superman" cartoon show.


a bisl yidishkayt wrote:

> Today in heaven - I mean at the Klezmer Institute organized by Hankus
> Netsky that's being held this week at New England Conservatory - Hankus was
> explaining the various modes associated with klezmer music.  When he came
> to the Adonoy Molokh scale, he gave as a mnemonic device the State Farm
> Insurance jingle. (Sorry folks, but to remind you of it, the words are
> "Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there.")
> So I asked, did a Jew write this?  He suggested that I ask the list.  I
> mean, I know this is an obscure question, who knows, and maybe, who CARES
> who wrote this jingle?  But if anyone does know...
> Dena
> a bisl yidishkayt

Owen Davidson
Amherst  Mass
The Wholesale Klezmer Band

He has observd the Golden Rule
Till hes become the Golden Fool

Wm. Blake

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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