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Jewish music connection w/ old jingle?

Today in heaven - I mean at the Klezmer Institute organized by Hankus
Netsky that's being held this week at New England Conservatory - Hankus was
explaining the various modes associated with klezmer music.  When he came
to the Adonoy Molokh scale, he gave as a mnemonic device the State Farm
Insurance jingle. (Sorry folks, but to remind you of it, the words are
"Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there.")

So I asked, did a Jew write this?  He suggested that I ask the list.  I
mean, I know this is an obscure question, who knows, and maybe, who CARES
who wrote this jingle?  But if anyone does know...


a bisl yidishkayt

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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