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Re:" An effete corp of impudent snobs"

> Lurkers on mailing list have no right to complain.

This list is for all members. I will note that complaining about
topics is usually not a =useful= way to move on (that is better
accomplished by introducing a new topic that will capture the
imagination and keyboard time of participants), but that isn't
a rule.

We have no designation "lurkers" or otherwise. You are either
on the list, or off it, as determined by the listserver software
and the current state of the net (and to slightly paraphrase something
from a trip to The Farm many decades ago).

The only person on the list who is designated as "keeper of manners"
is the list-owner, myself, and I try hard to keep that to private
mail. Should any individual feel the need to lecture in my place,
that, too, belongs in private e-mail--or e-mail me if you feel that
a lecture is needed but you don't need another job, yourself (preferred).

Now, if someone wants to discuss the amazing new choral album with 
songs celebrating the 100th(?) anniversary of the bund, or some other
subject connected to Jewish Music, that would be an =excellent= way
to continue. I am blown away by most of what Zalmen Mlotek does, and
this is a wonderful example of why.

Comments on this message would be most appreciated via private e-mail.

Your List Mom

Ari Davidow
ari (at) ivritype(dot)com
list owner, jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org
the klezmer shack:

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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