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Re: Lurkers

Maybe we could intsitute on this list the use of the work "looker," as in
"one who looks at the posts," rather than the sinister-sounding "lurker,"
which sounds like a "stalker?"  Personally, I'd like to be able to look in
the mirror and say, "I'm a looker!"  Although, I tend to fall into the
pompous-ass category, myself...


Larry and Jodi Solomon wrote:

> Ari Davidow wrote:
> >
> > At 08:49 AM 7/16/99 -0400, you wrote:
> > >thanks for  defending the irregular contributors.  Lurker is a clearly
> > >negative term, and implies that the regular writers on the list feel
> > >that they have been mugged. I understand that, too.  is there a
> > >suggested regularity  for a good citizen to contribute?  I consider
> > >myself a new comer hold back for some reason I dont really know why.
> I'm not looking to start a meta-discussion, but I wanted to point out
> that in many internet circles, "lurker" is a generic term for one who
> reads, but doesn't generally post to, a newwsgroup or mailing list.
> I've been one on many groups over the years, and rarely de-lurk to post
> here even.  I've never considered the term to have any negative
> connotations in this context -- it's just one of many net-terms that's
> taken on it's own defnition.  I doubt that anybody meant to impugn
> anyone's  value as a human being due to their "lurker" status.
> What some people sometimes take issue with, is the occasional lurker
> who, after reading and not contributing for an indefinite perioud of
> time, surfaces only to say "I don't like what's being discussed here,
> please change it," and then returns to lurker status.  Many people
> consider that to be a statement that the lurker has no right to come out
> with, having never participated positively in the discussion.
> B'shalom,
> Larry
> --
> Larry Solomon   shlomo (at) apk(dot)net
> Proprietor, Merkaz Judaica
> "Internet Explorer is bundled with the Windows 95 operating system - at
> least until Microsoft can figure out a way to include it with every
> polio vaccine or fuse it directly to the human spine."
>  - The Daily Show

Owen Davidson
Amherst  Mass
The Wholesale Klezmer Band

The Angel that presided o'er my birth
Said Little creature formd of Joy and Mirth
Go Love without the help of any King on Earth

Wm. Blake

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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