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Re: Jewish music magazine

To change the subject...

I believe this is an excellent idea. The only way a distinctly new Jewish
musical idiom will evolve, improve and become more marketable is with a
nationally distributed commercial magazine (or cable TV show) devoted
exclusively to the topic.

I have often wondered why a nationally distributed magazine such as TIKKUN
has such paltry (non-existent) Jewish arts and culture coverage. I find
myself picking this magazine up and putting it down after a few
minutes--it's so serious.

Would merchants such as Hatikvah and Tara be interested in advertising in
such a magazine IF it received national distribution--say at Borders and
Barnes and Noble?

Eliott Kahn

>What I had in mind, folks, was a magazine geared towards a mass audience,
>probably mostly musicians, a la Downbeat, The Beat, Rhythm Music, Jazz Times,
>etc., a  magazine that would cover not only Yiddish music but the whole
>of Jewish musical expression. My suspicion is that any other focus will be
>narrow to attract readers or advertisers. I love the Web and am particularly
>delighted by the stuff that Ari does, this list included, but I suspect
that a
>printed magazine is the next step to getting Jewish music more attention
in the
>world at large, which I take to be our larger mission.
>-- George Robinson
>Then you should be a member of the NATIONAL
>Web <>, Ph:(212) 254-0279,
>Email <nwu (at) nwu(dot)org>

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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