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Re:" An effete corp of impudent snobs"

In a message dated 7/13/99 10:18:59 PM Eastern Daylight Time, reyzl (at) 

<< Trudi,
 Let me explain something really important to you.
 Lurkers on mailing list have no right to complain.  Regular posters are not 
 here to offer you information and entertainment on what interests you.   We 
 talk about what interests us.  You want another topic?   You initiate the 
 conversation and who ever is also interested in the same will respond to 
 you.  As you see, sometimes you will get informed people responding and 
 sometimes it will be people who only think they are informed.
 Till then cherish your delete button.

Request for groundrules:

Is this list for an effete corp of impudent snobs only?
"Lurkers" vs "regular posters"
"no right to complain"
"{we] talk about what intersts [us}"
"informed people" vs "people who only think they are informed"

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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